Capital Fund Law Group has been recognized and quoted in leading financial publications, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Nasdaq, and others.

“Among tax professionals, there are two schools of thought...the first is that NFTs should be treated like capital gains. But the more predominant school is that they should be treated like collectibles and subject to a different tax regime.” - Christopher Rogers, Esq.

How to tackle surprises on Cryptocurrency and NFT Investments
"People are now putting their money into these NFT’s, and they are changing the values of luxury items such as artwork and collectibles, along with bespoke content that includes videos, music, GIFs and more. In addition, it has been an education for individuals who are invested in crypto, as they seek innovative ways to increase their net worth. Those who are investing in NFTs and cryptocurrency trades, however, may not be aware of the tax rules and implications that govern this new class of transactions." - Christopher Rogers, Esq.

Overstock's Digital Dividend Ruling Doesn't Mean Anything About NFT's
“Historically, at least as of right now, the vast majority of [NFTs] haven’t been considered securities,” Rogers says. “Most of the ones that are being issued are either on gaming sites, different types of artwork collections, or some sort of unique asset. And so for the people generally investing in them, for most of them, there’s no real expectation of profit and there’s commonly no common enterprise because the artwork has already been done, there’s not something that both parties are working toward.”
MITIMCo Emerging Manager Service Providers
In spring 2021 MITIMCo "conducted a survey of emerging managers via Twitter. The purpose of this survey is to help emerging manager stockpickers identify service providers that work well with newer, smaller stockpicking firms." Capital Fund Law Group was selected among the list for US Legal Counsel.
SEC Won't Offer Any Grace Period For Reg BI Compliance
“The increasing rate of new formations of robo-advisers is a factor that’s leading to the increased SEC focus,” said John Lore, managing partner at Capital Fund Law Group.
What Investors Can Expect now that Opportunity Zone Rules are in Place
"Clarity has been key for investors. Early funds have been cautious and primarily focused on real estate." —John Lore, managing partner.
Trump's Opportunity Zone Rules Deliver on Investors' Wish List
“It’s a major step forward in allowing real estate funds to be able to invest in a way that corresponds with market terms,” Lore said of the leeway to sell assets and reinvest the proceeds. He said it will allow funds to have a “rolling investment strategy without holding that specific property for 10 years, which, for many investors, is not an ideal strategy.”

“Right now, there’s a blend of optimism and uncertainty on the business side,” says John Lore, managing partner at Capital Fund Law Group, based in New York.

Treasury Offers More Flexibility and Certainty to Boost Opportunity Zones
“The speed at which they implemented proposed changes is a bit faster than was expected,” he said. The new rules are “more attractive to investors than we had expected this round to come out.”

One last hurdle venture capital funds getting into the space need to be aware of is the timeline required by the tax break, Lore says. To get the tax break, all funds must invest their capital within 30 months after fundraising ends — "a shorter timeframe than usual," he says.

“Before the new proposed regulations came out, that was fairly unclear,” Lore said. “We were expecting to see some different tests to be able to meet that standard, and maybe some more muddied solutions. What we got instead was three very clear, and quite generous, safe harbors.”
When asked about the greatest challenges for emerging fund managers, John Lore told Financial Advisor, "Raising capital. Getting an initial base of capital is universally challenging for start-up funds because seed investor arrangements are increasingly difficult to come by."
Investors Wait For New Opportunity Zone Guidelines
“The biggest issue is getting clarification on reinvestment of gains,” said John Lore, managing partner at Capital Fund Law Group, a law firm focused on advising private equity and real estate funds.
From Gentrification To Lack Of Guidance, Investors Express Concerns With Opportunity Zone Program
"In discussing the common worries about the program, Capital Fund Law Group Managing Partner John Lore told Bisnow his biggest concern relates to whether traditional investors will hold an asset long-term. To fully capitalize on the tax-free capital gains benefit of the Opportunity Zone program, investors need to hold the property for at least 10 years."AN ON-TIME START, BUT PLENTY OF ISSUES STILL AWAIT
“A lot of momentum was building up with the expectation that some key clarifications would be made,” he said. “There are two main ones that would make QOZs more attractive for fund managers..."
“Heading into the end of the year, there was tremendous investor interest in opportunity zones,” said John Lore, a managing partner at Capital Fund Law Group. “But right now, we’re recommending that PE real estate funds would be better served
Lore says many states and municipalities provide stacking incentives that increase the attractiveness of the opportunity zone tax incentive. He says these incentives play a strong role in investment decisions, particularly in development-focused funds.
Mr. Lore said the legislation establishing QOFs does not mandate impact investing, but noted the potential is high for significant positive effects for low-income communities from investment, particularly in real estate development.
Panelists from KPMG participating in our Opportunity Zone Real Estate Fund Workshop are quoted.
Panelists from our Opportunity Zone Real Estate Fund Workshop are quoted.
$400 Million Cryptocurrency Fund Gets Investment From Yale University
John Lore, the founder of Capital Fund Law Group, said in June that more academic institutions and universities had started to show interest in cryptocurrencies owing to the long-term potential of currencies like bitcoin and
“We’re seeing some academic institutions getting involved on a limited basis for strategic reasons. I can’t say the names of [the academic institutions] because that’s attorney-client but we have people mostly on the East Coast that have begun doing investments in this space on a fairly modest basis,” Lore told Business Insider in an interview.
Crypto exchanges must face up to responsibilities as they mature
Traditional services that support trading infrastructure are also warming to
“Service providers, such as fund administrators, auditors, and IT providers, have become much more adroit at handling crypto issuers,” He says.
SEC’s Crypto Hedge Fund Probe is Healthy For The Industry
The SEC’s desire to interview cryptocurrency hedge funds, the only asset managers currently operating in the space, seems a logical next step in the development of the digital asset regulatory framework. The probe also underscores the fact that the SEC takes the crypto hedge fund space very seriously and will continue to keep a close eye on it moving forward.
Four Harvard Students Jump Into the Crypto Hedge-Fund Craze
To get started, Hamid reached out to attorney John Lore,
The Five Keys To Marketing An Emerging Service or Product
“According to John S. Lore, Esq., owner of Capital Fund Law Group, PC, ‘When selecting service providers, including an attorney, administrator, and auditor, the management should consider the professional background of each provider. The level of quality of the service providers says much about the quality of the corporation’s management and business plan. Before smart people will invest in or purchase anything they seek signs of competence and stability from all tiers of the organization.

“What you need to know on Wall Street today”
Cryptocurrency traders have become well-known for conspicuous displays of wealth.
Rows of Lamborghinis were parked outside the recent Consensus conference in New York and some attendees blew off steam at after parties in exclusive clubs with champagne, vodka, and even drugs.
But not all crypto enthusiasts are so ostentatious. John Lore, a lawyer who has advised over 30 cryptocurrency hedge funds, said one trader who approached him about setting up a fund, in fact, apologized to him, embarrassed by his crypto riches.

10 things you need to know in markets today
John Lore, the founder of Capital Fund Law Group, told Business Insider: "We're seeing some academic institutions getting involved on a limited basis for strategic reasons.

What you need to know on Wall Street today
Not all crypto enthusiasts are so ostentatious. John Lore, a lawyer who has advised over 30 cryptocurrency hedge funds, said one trader who approached him about setting up a fund, in fact, apologized to him, embarrassed by his crypto riches.

A crypto trader setting up a hedge fund apologized for making so much money
There's a lot of demand but I think right now there's a lot of need for education," Lore said. "Never has there been a more diverse group of potential managers come to us. These aren't just all former buy-side analysts at investment banks, they're coming from all different aspects."
A top crypto hedge fund lawyer explains the 4 main trading strategies that funds use to make money
Crypto hedge funds have exploded in popularity over the last year, with over 250 globally.
Capital Fund Law Group has advised 30 that have been set up.
Capital's founder John Lore tells Business Insider about the four main strategies he's seen funds employing, why most funds are under $150 million in assets, who is investing in the funds, and why he thinks the boom is over.

Business and Legal Issues in Raising Capital for Cryptocurrency Funds
Initial fund capital is the best predictor of success in raising capital, Lore noted, because it inspires confidence in subsequent investors, spreads costs and provides “outside viability.” A manager starting a small fund should have at least $1 million to $5 million committed to ensure success in raising additional capital. Sources of initial capital often include the managers themselves; professional associates; and family and friends (although, outside investors may not see family-based investor assets as “merit-based”).

Business and Legal Issues in Raising Capital for Cryptocurrency Funds
Another key to successful capital raising is a narrow strategy; a manager can always branch out later if it finds initial success, Lore said. While a positive track record may prove dispositive for other asset classes, Mascioli observed that it may not be terribly helpful with cryptocurrencies given their relative infancy and the bull market.
Ripple is the worst performer among major cryptocurrencies in the first quarter
"There's a lot of short-term trepidation based on regulatory uncertainty based on the SEC, with what the European Union is doing, and what various Asian regulators are doing," said John Lore, managing partner at Capital Fund Law Group.
Lore's firm advises hedge funds and private equity groups in the crypto-space. He said he's seeing an "unprecedented" number of new fund starts continuing from February.
"I think the sell-off this year has more to do with
Cryptocurrency hedge fund managers are not the only entities at risk. The service providers for these funds, such as fund administrators and exchanges, may also be vulnerable, noted John Lore,
There are various procedural measures fund managers can use to mitigate the risk of an irreversible transfer of
A crypto trader setting up a hedge fund apologized for making so much money
Lore is the founder of Capital Fund Law Group, a New York firm that specializes in advising hedge funds and asset managers. Lore told BI he has seen a huge spike in the number of inquiries from people looking to set up cryptocurrency hedge funds.

Cryptocurrency hedge funds to entice universities’ investments
John Lore, founder of Capital Fund Law Group said, “We’re seeing some academic institutions getting involved on a limited basis for strategic reasons. I can’t say the names of (the universities) because that’s attorney-client [privilege], but we have people mostly on the East Coast that have begun doing investments in this space on a fairly modest basis.”

Universities are Set to Begin Institutional Adoption of Bitcoin
“We’re seeing some academic institutions getting involved on a limited basis for strategic reasons. I can’t say the names of [the academic institutions] because that’s attorney-client but we have people mostly on the East Coast that have begun doing investments in this space on a fairly modest basis,” Lore noted in an interview.

U.S. Universities Take Advantage of the Cryptocurrency Hedge Fund
John Lore addressed Business Insider about the intrigue he’d seen among certain scholarly establishments.
“I can’t say the names of [the academic institutions] because that’s attorney-client but we have people mostly on the East Coast that have begun doing investments in this space on a fairly modest basis.”
Universities are starting to invest in crypto, according to an industry lawyer
John Lore, the founder of Capital Fund Law Group, told Business Insider: "We’re seeing some academic institutions getting involved on a limited basis for strategic reasons.
"I can’t say the names of [the academic institutions] because that’s attorney-client but we have people mostly on the East Coast that have begun doing investments in this space on a fairly modest basis."

Universities are starting to invest in crypto, according to an industry lawyer
Lore said that the majority of investment in these new funds comes from "high net worth individuals and, on a very limited basis, family offices."
"Yes there are investors but at this point, investors are putting in very small percentages of their net worth as we would expect and as I believe is appropriate," Lore said.

Cryptocurrency funds want to branch out but held back
Three issues — regulatory hurdles, liquidity and cybersecurity — are the main concerns for larger custodians around cryptocurrencies, said John Lore, managing partner, Capital Fund Law Group PC, New York, whose clients are managers of hedge funds and alternative investments.
Lawyer Says Universities in the US Investing in Crypto Hedge Funds
New York-based law firm Capital Fund Law Group Lawyer John Lore who specializes in cryptocurrency hedge funds said that some universities are making small investments in digital assets. He claims that crypto hedge funds are currently proving an attractive opportunity for academic institutions on America’s east coast.

“Universities Have Started to Invest in Bitcoin, Start of Institutional Adoption”
According to John Lore, the founder of Capital Fund Law Group, academic institutions and universities have started to get involved in the cryptocurrency market, acknowledging the long-term potential of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum.
Four Harvard students jump into the crypto hedge-fund craze” – New Zealand Herald
"Emerging cryptocurrency funds see this an opportunistic time to start up the infrastructure to set up a fund," according to Lore, who said he gets about six or eight inquiries daily from aspiring crypto fund managers. "What that means is that at least fund managers are very bullish on the long-term aspects of cryptocurrency in varied investment strategies."
FxWirePro: Harvard’s budding entrepreneurs to create crypto-hedge fund
Hamid has been apparently contacting attorney John Lore for assistance in building funds as for the cryptocurrency hedge fund industry, it seems the ideal time to start up the infrastructure to set up a fund
United States universities have been making small investments in digital assets. John Lore, a lawyer specializing in cryptocurrency hedge funds, has stated that some universities on the East Coast have been investing in cryptocurrencies on a modest basis. The firm that Lore works for has already advised 30 digital cryptocurrency hedge funds. Lore also noted that most of the capital that is funding cryptocurrency hedge funds comes from high net worth individuals and some family offices

Crypto Trader Apologizes for 1200% Gains
Seeing stories like the one above, it's easy for even seasoned asset managers to forget the extreme risks associated with the cryptocurrency space. Lore's words of caution for would-be cryptocurrency investors and hedge fund managers ring true across the industry. It's important to remember that the cryptocurrency millionaires are likely the extreme exception, rather than the rule.
4 Options For Raising Capital From Friends, Investors or Even The Feds
"An accredited investor is an investor that meets the income or net worth tests established by the SEC," says John Lore, managing partner of Capital Fund Law Group. "For individuals, the investor must have a net worth or joint net worth with his or her spouse exceeding one million dollars or meet a $200,000 per year annual income threshold ($300,000 if combined with spouse)."

Huge Institutional Investment Will Cause A Bull Run, Here’s Where It Might Come From
According to Business Insider, Lore says:
“We’re seeing some academic institutions getting involved on a limited basis for strategic reasons. I can’t say the names of [the academic institutions] because that’s attorney-client but we have people mostly on the East Coast that have begun doing investments in this space on a fairly modest basis.”

Industry Lawyer Reveals Universities Are Investing in Crypto Hedge Funds
“We’re seeing some academic institutions getting involved on a limited basis for strategic reasons. I can’t say the names of [the universities] because that’s attorney-client but we have people mostly on the East Coast that have begun doing investments in this space on a fairly modest basis.”
- John Lore
Universities Are Some of the First Institutions Investing in Crypto Hedge Funds
The Capital Fund Law Group are emerging as specialists for the cryptocurrency investment space. They’ve already advised around 30 digital currency hedge funds. The firm has helped potential providers navigate the space that still suffers from a lack of regulation. Lore commented that most of the investment that he’d seen in crypto hedge funds were coming from ‘high net worth individuals and, on a very limited basis, family offices.’

‘American Universities Are Investing In Bitcoin (BTC),’ says Crypto Lawyer
According to Crypto lawyer, John Lore, some universities in the East Coast of the United States have started investing in Bitcoin (BTC). Due to the confidentiality of the information, Lore could not fully disclose which Universities were doing so. The investments are small and into the various cryptocurrency hedge funds available.

“American Universities Show Interest Cryptocurrency Hedge Funds”
Capital Law Group is working hard to become an expert in cryptocurrency investment. They have provided consulting services for about 30 digital currency hedge funds. The company is helping potential investors understand this market, which currently lacks regulation. Lore commented that most of the investments he saw in crypto-hedge funds came from ‘high net worth individuals and, on a very limited basis, family offices.’

Cryptocurrency Custody Services & Institutional Investors: Who Needs Who?
The managing partner of Capital Fund Law Group PC, John Lore, agreed that the crypto sector is still not sufficiently developed for institutional custodians. While saying that at this stage it’s too soon to predict exactly what kind of cybersecurity risks will call for remedy, he added that there weren’t yet “enough custodians who are capable of handling that risk.” Lore said that the longer-term storage of assets in a typical digital wallet is now formalized and regulated too. This is, however, not good enough for major players.
Academia Endowment Funds of Top US Universities Are Crypto Investors & Holders
While we cannot pinpoint which specific cryptos their funds rest at or universities they represent, John Lore, a lawyer, and owner of the Capital Fund Law Group said portfolio managers of these Endowment Funds are finding cryptocurrency yields irresistible. John Lore’s firm specializes in providing legal advice to hedge funds.

University Institutions Turn to Crypto-Hedge Fund Investment
Lore said to reporters that institutions engage in this for strategic reasons: “We’re seeing some academic institutions getting involved on a limited basis for strategic reasons,” he said. “I can’t say the names of the academic institutions because that’s attorney-client but we have people mostly on the East Coast that have begun doing investments in this space on a fairly modest basis,” he added.

John Lore, managing partner at Capital Fund Law Group PC, claims that “it’s really too soon to determine what cybersecurity risks will need to be dealt with. There aren’t enough custodians who are capable of handling that risk yet.”

“East Coast Universities Invest in Crypto Hedge Funds”
Academic institutions in the US have started making small investments into cryptocurrency hedge funds, according to a lawyer working in the industry. These universities are getting involved on a limited basis for strategic reasons, the founder of Capital Fund Law Group, John Lore, told Business Insider. “I can’t say the names because that’s attorney-client but we have people mostly on the East Coast that have begun doing investments in this space on a fairly modest basis,” he added.
Financial Authorities in Germany Find Six Institutions Trading Cryptos
Academic institutions in the US have started making small investments into cryptocurrency hedge funds, according to a lawyer working in the industry. These universities are getting involved on a limited basis for strategic reasons, the founder of Capital Fund Law Group, John Lore, told Business Insider. “I can’t say the names because that’s attorney-client but we have people mostly on the East Coast that have begun doing investments in this space on a fairly modest basis,” he added.